Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Fun Weekend

Hello Everyone! Life has been great so far, I've really been having a great time. This weekend I had a lot of fun, I was with Hunter for most of it and we did quite a few things (Also I apologize in advance for the blurriness of the pictures, I am not a skilled photographer).

First, I went with my host family to my host sister's school for a festival they were having. There, I got to see a cool dance that her dance club did.

My Host Sisters entire dance club

The dance had a halloween theme

After that, I met with Hunter and we went to Shibuya and went looking for a Cafe that had to do with a video game that we both like. Here are some photos I took while walking around that area:

Afterwards, we were disappointed to find out that the cafe we wanted to go to so bad had been turned into an Australian restaurant... Disappointing. So, we walked around some more and stumbled into some things on accident:
A concert Hunter and I stumbled upon

Found in an "American" restaurant, as are the next 2 pictures

They had great pizza, was like returning to America for a small moment

I just can't get over how they spelled lounge, HAHA

My camera was so blurry, I apparently created some new kind of art

Hunter and I copying the nearby poster

Street Band, So good!
The next day, we went with a group of school friends and saw a Japanese movie, and did karaoke.

Large Blowup head of an anime in the movie theater. Our movie that we watched was on the 13th floor of the building!
Characters from the movie

Hunter and I posing


Everyone at Karaoke with Hunter and I (We are off to the left).

Beautiful, huh? (akihabara)

At this point, Hunter and I had moved to Akihabara, which is also known as Anime town.

Large collection of older Japanese video games

Here, we entered an electronics store, they had a 3D printer on display, this was incredible to see. It created all of these objects.

There were many computers like this one

Myself trying out the Oculus Rift

Old weapons on display

After that day, Hunter and I went to an arcade center and played arcade games and bowled, however my camera died at that point.

So, this has been my life outside of school so far, hope you all enjoy reading! Don't forget to take a look at Hunter's blog! There you can see all of the pictures that I have failed to post on some outings and also see a much better sense of humor!


  1. Caleb, you posted a lot more pictures than Hunter. Good pics. Can Hunter sing at all?

    Mr. Seg

    1. Thanks Mr. Seglem! And yes I would say Hunter can sing. He enjoys calling his singing voice "The Golden Pipes."
