Monday, September 29, 2014

Another Fun Week!

Hello Everyone! I have many more pictures for everyone to see from this past week!

So, one day when I was by myself, I decided to head to Asakusa station in Japan, where Sensoji Temple can be found. It was incredible, and extremely ancient!

After that, I went to an aquariam located next to the giant tower you've been seeing called "Tokyo Skytree," which is the tallest tower in Japan.

I found Dory!

A few days later, I went to Hunter's school festival.

I've been having a great time so far, thanks to everyone for their support!
Hunter's blog


  1. Hi Caleb,
    I enjoyed reading your adventures.
    I met a lady in my bible study Mon. night that is from Tokyo. She asked what school you are attending. I thought I had seen the name, but I could not find it. What part of Tokyo does you host family live? Hope you have a great week. Love you. Nano

    1. Hi Nano! I'm happy to hear that!

      Right now, I'm living in Ukima, Kita, Tokyo (Just Kita, Tokyo is fine) and attending Junten High School.

      Love you too!

  2. Caleb,

    Tell me about that funky outfit Hunter is wearing?


    1. Hi Mr. Seg!

      Well, I can't say I'm really sure about the brown outfit. You may have to check with Hunter on that one, however I do know that the other one would have been going for that classy "Lunch lady" look Hunter enjoys so much!
